autobio/mission statement


         Auto biography

 hello, my name is meridian. I am a freshman in high school. I am taking a photography class. I love taking photos of mostly everything. I live in the state of South Carolina and I am 14 years old.
  when I first found out I had photography class at registration I was beyond happy cause for once in my life I had a class I actually would love. I have four best friends their names are Will, Jhovany , Bryan , and Daisy. they are amazing people and super funny and sometimes or all the time sarcastic. I love to hang out with friends and go shopping. every time I go somewhere I usually take two million pictures, well not really but you know. My best friends are amazing wonderful people.

  At home I have two pets. my first pet is a cat named Waffle. One of the other pets I have is another cat named Knives. I really do not like Knives the cat she is just mean and scratches everyone and that's my moms cat she named it after the Chinese girl from Scott pilgrim. I love to take pictures but I hate to draw. I like to paint but not with water colors and my favorite color is pink. I LOVE Ceasar salad its my favorite food. I hope to go to collage in California for photography and hopefully open my own photography business one day.

         artist mission statement

  I love creative art the most, the kind of art that makes you have feelings for that art piece. I love paintings and pictures and drawings. I love music, when I get upset I listen to music its my favorite thing to do. My second favorite thing to do is shop I could just spend all day in bath and body works its just oh my gosh the most wonderful store. me personally I love to take pictures and that's what I will probably stick to because that's what I'm best at.

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